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walk the plank造句

"walk the plank"是什么意思  
  • How ifhis wendy walks the plank
  • How ifhis wendy walks the plank
  • Unable to meet the general manager ' s expectations , he had to walk the plank
  • If i don ' t finish all my work , my boss will make me walk the plank
  • Go on ! walk the plank
  • In punishment for lack of an interesting pirate name , peter shall walk the plank
  • Walk the plank
  • There are many who believe that simplified chinese characters should be made to walk the plank
  • When you take over the store , think twice about making the manager walk the plank
  • When you take over the store , think twice about making the manager walk the plank
    这个朋友说: “当你接管店铺的时候,在是不是要解雇经理的问题上要三思而行。
  • It's difficult to see walk the plank in a sentence. 用walk the plank造句挺难的
  • The priates asked pete to walk the plank ; he took one look at their swords and then acquiesced
  • " they were all about storms at sea , and pirates , and men being forced to walk the plank .
  • Hook . obesity and bunions , ' tis a princely scheme . we will seize the children , make them walk the plank , and wendy shall be our mother
  • Dreadful stories they were ; about hanging , and walking the plank , and storms at sea , and the dry tortugas , and wild deeds and places on the spanish main
  • We began imagining the thrill of feeling golden doubloons falling through our fingers . . . the smell of salt and brine as sails flap overhead . . . trembling with fear at the sight of a man walking the plank , a one - legged pirate captain looking on . . .
  • That was flint s treasure that we bad come so far to seek , and that had cost already the lives of seventeen men from the hispaniola . how many it had cost in the amassing , what blood and sorrow , what good ships scuttled on the deep , what brave men walking the plank blindfold , what shot of cannon , what shame and lies and cruelty , perhaps no man alive could tell
如何用walk the plank造句,用walk the plank造句walk the plank in a sentence, 用walk the plank造句和walk the plank的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。